
Top 5: Relationships that will never happen

This is a sad topic for me, I really love relationships and when they don’t go my way I’m a sucker for the other person. It almost makes me depressed to the point where I feel like I was the one who got rejected instead of an anime character. Call me a Romance Otaku pls. I rated this on these criteria, the amount of pain that it caused when they didn’t get together and also how well they would have looked together. Let’s take a look at my top 5 relationships that will never happen. I pretty much have a love hate relationship with love triangles… By the way, I’m going out of my way and making guesses for the relationships that are obviously not going to happen. At this point in time, I’m guessing that three of the five aren’t going to happen and I know for sure that two of the five aren’t going to happen. So yes, I will be speculating that they will never happen. But this post CLEARLY CONTAINS SPOILERS. So if you don’t like spoilers then don’t read. But if you are butt hurt about some relationships like I am then go right ahead and read…

Rolling in at number 5….

5. Nisekoi: Ichijou and Onodera


Now, I know the anime isn’t over, but let’s face it fans this isn’t going to happen. I mean, look at where the anime is going with the show. We are ten episodes in and they are slowly pulling Kirisaki and Ichijou closer and closer. I mean the whole premise of the show is to make the false-love into a real one. But without getting into too much of a debate lets talk about Onodera and Ichijou.

Cute, so cute. The reason why this isn’t a little higher is because they just don’t really have that much interaction between them. Yes they get a lot of screentime together and yes they like each other a lot, but there really isn’t too much depth behind the love. I mean a 10 year ago promise? That has no depth if you don’t remember the person or their name. WHAT KIND OF PROMISE IS THAT IN THE FIRST PLACE IF YOU DON’T KNOW THEIR NAME… Also, they look cute together, they really do. But they just have that reaction to each other. I like that feeling sometimes, but at the end of the day, what really matters to me the most is how much depth there is in our friendship and what it means to me. I could go on about friendship and more, but this is just too much. Onodera and Ichijou will never happen.

Reasons being:

1. Kirisaki is the main premise of the show, she is the main girl and she will fall in love with Ichijou
2. Onodera and Ichijou would be a “cute” couple but a couple with no depth to it.
3. Ichijou is definitely falling in love with Kirisaki, he knows her quirks and her quarks and this is clearly the direction of the show.

Heart breaking for me, but I like kirisaki more anyways if you couldn’t tell. I think either matchup would fit, but kirisaki and Ichijou work way better


4. Toradora: Ryuuji x Minori

minori x ryuuji


Ahh everyone loves a classic. I don’t have as much to say about this since it’s already done.. BUT, the whole point of the show was supposed to be to get together with Minori and somehow turned around and he went for Taiga… GO FIGURE!

Well, what’s so sad about this is that she has a beautiful heart and she really liked Ryuuji in the end. I think she is so kind a thoughtful. Her personality is sparking and energetic and I like girls who are like that. I think she will learn a lot from this heart ache and we can take a lot from this anime.

3. Golden Time: Banri and Linda

Banri x Linda


When the rain falls, when the wind blows… When the flowers scatter, when the shadows loom… In every sign I’ll search for your voice. – Banri

Well, it’s been a couple days since I posted about Linda and Banri and I think it’s time to face the fact that they are probably not getting together in the series. It just wouldn’t make any sense. Koko and Banri are written all over the OP’s and ED’s and there’s like a 1000% chance that they are not getting together. Does this mean I think Koko is a better fit for Banri? HELL NO. Linda was 100000% better choice. She stuck beside him thick and thin. How is it her fault that he fell off the bridge. THATS NOT LINDA’S FAULT. I mean, of course we don’t know what she was going to say on that bridge but still. LOOK AT HER NOW. I love linda, her personality is off the charts awesome. Her interactions with Banri are OFF THE CHARTS AWESOME. Look at Koko, she is SUCH A B%@#! “Oh I broke up with you yesterday, lets be friends” Okay, that’s not how it works Koko. You are being a total…. AIUHF. I was actually warming up to the idea of Koko being his girlfriend but now I can’t handle it. It’s too much. She doesn’t deserve Banri. Banri deserves Linda… Case closed #teamlinda

2. Sakurasou: Sorata and Nanami

Sorata x Nanami


“You know, I’ve always… always… loved you… No, I really I love you” – Nanami

I LOVED THIS ANIME. The love triangle in this was too much for me to handle sometimes. It’s almost DEPRESSING to see how much Nanami loved Sorata and didn’t say anything. I think it’s the most painful thing to HOLD IT IN. How can you love someone so much and not tell them. It’s probably the most painful thing ever. EVER. I’ve experienced it before and it’s not fun. Probably the worst regret in my whole life is not telling someone that I loved them. You can’t get over them until they reject you. That’s just how it is.

Again, the anime is just set-up for Mashiro. Nanami really almost had 0 chance to take it away. I mean, she is probably the most sincere, best couple material for Sorata. But how can you NOT LIKE MASHIRO. But I was pretty damn sad in this anime. I felt Nanami’s pain 100% of the way. Probably portrayed in one of the best ways possible. This might sound weird, but I love watching the heart ache, I love watching the pain. Not because it’s fun, but because I’ve been there before and knowing that someone else knows my pain and shares it makes everything feel better. If you can connect to an anime like this, it’s the best.

1. Chihayafuru: Taichi and Chihaya

taichi x chihaya


Yeah, I’m hopelessly in love with Chihaya. – Taichi

I think I’m going to cry. This one is the most heart breaking one by far. I’m going to sound like I’m yelling at Chihaya for a second… This guy, has had it out for you since he was a kid and he might have done some stupid things in the past as a kid but look at him now. A full grown man, ready to do anything for you Chihaya. This guy’s love for you is UNBREAKABLE and yet you don’t even see him. He has been playing Karuta all his life for what?! To become a master?! I don’t think he could care less about becoming a master to be honest. He’s doing it for you. He’s doing it for his own conviction, to prove that talent doesn’t beat hard work. That hard work can overcome those who do less. He strives to become the person who will achieve this goal. He’s done all of this for you Chihaya and you don’t see it. You don’t see him. All you see is a distant man, who really, has never been there for you. He may love you back, you may even stay with him forever, but you are going to lose the one asset, the one friend, the one support you have had YOUR ENTIRE LIFE if you go with Arata. Open your eyes Chihaya, the boy you once knew before you is now a man.

omg. I’m almost tearing up because its so sad. ITS SO SAD. The mangaka is CLEARLY headed towards Chihaya and Arata. I still have hope, that the mangaka has a soul… I still have hope that she will pick hardwork and determination over “destiny love”. That’s literally how I feel that Arata and Chihaya are like. It’s like DESTINY. THEY WERE MEANT TO BE. BULLSHIT. (excuse my french) I hate that. I HATE THAT. In-fact most of these love triangles were like that. Destiny love… ugh. Makes me sick. This guy has fallen head over heels for Chihaya and I can’t take it anymore. The manga comes out way too slow. If you haven’t watched this anime… WATCH IT WHAT ARE YOU DOING. GO.

Classic example of Hardwork vs Talent and of course we all cheer for Taichi. I literally can’t accept Arata. I can’t fathom or understand why Chihaya loves Arata so much that she is blinded to the fact that Taichi is there. I just hope that she realizes what she does if she does go out with Arata. If she goes with Arata I seriously hope that Taichi stops being friends with Chihaya…. I actually hope that happens. If she picks Arata over Taichi I hope Taichi leaves her. It’s not healthy to stay around someone who ignores your every move. [aka my ex-girlfriend before we started dating] At this point in time, Chihaya has no boyfriend. But I hope that it will end up being Taichi… please… Arata doesn’t fit the picture.

I think I’m going to go watch some depressing AMV’s about Chihaya and Taichi now.. T_T sob. sob. sob.

chihaya x taichi