
Golden Time 19


Uh oh, the opening scene. Does this mean that Old Banri is gone? I think so. I also think Banri and linda are also done for in this episode. I’ll tell you why in a moment but first let’s talk about how damn straight forward Yana is.

I would not be so straight forward with anyone like that, especially one of my best friends. “Are you hiding something from me?” Well, is it really any of your business in the first place? And what is going on with Oka-chan. I know you feel bad for Yana but again you are just way to straight forward and you don’t even know the situation that Banri and Linda are in. Just because they are close doesn’t mean he’s hiding it from Koko. I’m pretty sure that Koko knows that Linda and Banri were talking in fact he even said “I’ve been summoned to a super secret conversation” What is with Banri’s friends man. There is too much push and shove coming from Oka and Yana. I guess it is an issue in their eyes but that doesn’t mean you can just accuse someone without knowing what’s going on.

Next, Here is why I think that Banri and Linda are done for. They act to each other like best friends rather than lovers. To be honest, I have a best friend who is a girl who I would never date. I consider her my sister. That’s how I feel Banri and Linda are right now. They have past the point in their relationship where they can date and have been put in each others friend zone. To be honest, I really like this dynamic and it keeps the show realistic. I really hope Linda doesn’t fall for Yana though. He seems like a jerk to me. I wouldn’t want Yana and Linda to get together.

Episode Rating +/-
Overall Rating 9/10

Pilot’s Love Song 07


Probably the most un-expected, action packed and emotional episode so far. I was literally blown away by the emotions given by this episode. Things just happened so fast and before you knew it the setting around these people changed in an instant. I can’t even begin to imagine what war is like, nor can I comprehend how difficult it must be for these kids, I can only tell you that this episode was really good.

I have to say, I didn’t really connect with mi-chan but the way they portrayed him and his character this episode really made it worth watching. Super good, epic, and well done. It might have been a tad cliche, but the thing is, there really is no other way to go in this kind of situation. I probably would have done the same thing if I were in his situation. It’s really sad. The last moments of what they were saying in that cockpit before firing that flare. Just remembering everyone, exactly what they are like. They loved the friends that they had and because of that gave everything to protect Isla. Oh man, so good.

I knew stuff was going to happen this episode but I did not expect it to happen like that. Normally when I expect something to happen it’s either one or two things that happen but not a full blown war. I also, have no idea really why each side is fighting each other. My guess is one is trying to get to the end of the world and the other is defending what lies there. I don’t really know anything beyond that and my hope is that they will explain it a bit further.

although that was a really good episode I’m probably going to wait an episode or two before I give it an 8.

Episode Rating +/-
Overall Rating 7/10

Nisekoi 06


She comes out clean with the truth to her new found friends. Of course, I was hoping for some more drama towards this but then again, it wasn’t such a big deal to begin with. I mean now Onodera has nothing to worry about it. What is she going to do with this information? I guess we’ll just have to find out. Kirisaki as cute as she is still doesn’t know about her own feelings about Ichijou. They both are kind of stuck in a place where they know they have something but at the same time find it extremely awkward to like someone like that.

Ugh, are they going to wait until the last episode to sort out this pendant business? I kind of want Kirisaki and Ichijou’s relationship to go a bit faster seeing how this show is only 12 episodes. At the same time, I like the pace it’s going at just because it feels a lot more natural than rushing it. In reality, things wouldn’t move so fast anyways, and I also like how shy Kirisaki gets when she tries to be apologetic. I think it’s so cute.

JEEZ, that was so close. Onodera almost confessed. I think for sure they are going to do it soon. I wonder how he’s going to react and if he has any feelings for Kirisaki. Uh -oh kirisaki don’t lose the race now. Please don’t lose yet!

This is turning out to be a fairly generic romcom. I mean, it’s not bad but its nothing to be amazed at. The thing is though, I really like generic rom-coms so that doesn’t even matter to me. It doesn’t need to be unique to be good. Also, liking the fact that it’s not based on misunderstandings like most romcoms are based off of. So glad.

Episode Rating +/-
Overall Rating 8/10

Chuunibyou 2 06


Ah, we finally get the pinnacle of the episode back onto our favourite couple. Rikka and Yuuta are just awesome together, I don’t think I can stress that enough of how cute they are. Innocence just trying to find a way to break down love. Love is so abstract and varies for each and every one of us and yet some how we all think that kissing and sex come so naturally to everyone. For Rikka and Yuuta it’s soo much more than just a kiss and soo much more than just a sign of affection. It’s almost putting all their emotions into the unknown and putting all their feelings into expression.

I wish I had that kind of relationship with someone. There is just SOO much weight to their first kiss and it hasn’t even happened yet. I love it so much. It makes their first kiss have so much more power and influence and it means so much more. Too often in relationships we use kissing for pleasure and self satisfaction. Okay, enough of my ramblings on love an what-not.

This episode was great, super cute, and really just showed us more of the progression that is going on between the two of them. Super happy to have watched this episode and really excited for the next one. I might re-watch the first season to job my brain on what happened in the first season. I’m starting to forget some details.

Episode Rating +/-
Overall Rating 8/10

Log Horizon 20


Okay, how OP is that… He can write anything into existence because he’s a level 90 scribe?! I don’t know if that’s exactly how it works but that seems a bit op. I feel like he’s a game code writer all the sudden now. But I hope they don’t abuse that, which I doubt they will. I’m just glad they used a lot of the things that they explained in that one episode with that quirky mage. Hp and Mp being part f the mind and body. Pretty cool if you ask me.

Aw man, now this dork is in Log Horizon. Well if you ask me this Guild is turning into literally a guild that anyone with resolve and passion can get into. It almost defeats the elite-ness that Log Horizon was supposed to have. But that being said, it is giving a good moral lesson to the story in itself. But seriously man, was hoping that I wouldn’t see Raundel Haus anymore. What ever happened to killing off someone in a show, like Shingeki no Kyojin. The reason why that show is so good is because people actually died in the show. There was your main characters in it and you didnt know if they were going to die or not. I kinda wish this anime had the same feel to it, but everyone lives!

Why is akatsuki almost never used in these episodes anymore. She was so cool and basically I feel like she’s just being used as a tool for Shiroe. There is no character interaction between the two of them. It kind of makes me sad.

Holy crap Krusty is scary. He almost looks psychotic. If I were that princess I would be scared too.

On a completely different note, I want to comment about the beginning of the episode. I like how analytic Shiroe is. He knows that minori never asks for help which means this is a BIG deal and he drops everything and runs. I think that’s super cool. I want someone to do that for me when I need help. Actually, I do have people who would do that, I guess I’m just lucky =)

This anime is getting close to the end, I want to know how they’re going to end it and if maybe season 2 will come out. I would watch it.

Episode Rating +/-
Overall Rating 7/10

Nisekoi 05


Ehhh, Why is there always a swimsuit episode. Is number 5 cursed with always being  swimsuit episode?! But that being said, this IS Nisekoi we are talking about here so it can’t be that bad.

This episode was OKAY. It wasn’t amazing and it wasn’t anything horrible. I think it would have been better if there was something more than just that swim meet. I mean, they really didn’t do too much and didn’t really progress the plot too much. Onodera’s friend is really suspicious though, and we also know that Ichijou is really suspicious of Onodera being THAT person from years ago.

Aw, my heart skipped a beat when Ichijou dived in the pool to save….. well I don’t want to spoil that part either. But it was a good moment in this episode and worth noting. He didn’t hesitate, at all. He just WENT IN IMMEDIATELY. Key point.

I was having a conversation with my friend on who we thought was better. Onodera or Kirisaki? I’m curious to know what you guys think. Who do you think is better, Onodera or Kirisaki. On one hand, I really like the fact that there’s this long standing love between Onodera and Ichijou. I think it’s almost cheesy (but in a good way) romance that just ties everything together. Kirisaki on the other hand, is everything that I like about tsundere anime girls. They pretty much dominate my top 5 girls with the exception of Sakura. Well, both me and my friend went with Kirisaki. I like Kirisaki way better actually.

Also, another question. What do you think of Onodera’s hair? Like? Dislike? My friend and I are also unsure how we feel about her hair. It looks interesting to me at least.

Episode Rating +/-
Overall Rating 8/10

Pilot’s Love Song 06


Imouto’s are too much for me to handle! Lol, Ari-men the topic of the episode. I felt that this was really just a filler episode with a bit of episodic details here and there. There were some interesting plot movements which I won’t disclose here but it definitely means that the next couple of episodes are going to be a bit more interesting.

Even though this was kind of a nothing episode, Ariel is definitely the show stealer. I mean, for some reason, I can’t get enough of ariel. Maybe it’s because I found out the voice actor is Ayana. Or maybe because I wish I had an Imouto. Either way, I feel that Ariel is by far the best character in this show so far. I don’t really like claire too much. Maybe it’s because she is TOO shy and for some reason I don’t think I like her very much as Nina viento. I dunno what it is but for sure Ariel > Claire. If you disagree I would love to hear it in the comments below!

Man, I love Ramen. 私はラーメンを食べるのが大好きです。Lol sorry for more of my horrid Japanese. But YEAH! I really just want to go eat some ramen. In fact I think I’m going to ask my friends to see if they want to grab some ramen this weekend. I know it’s kinda random but hey, who doesn’t like ramen.

Episode Rating +/-
Overall Rating 7/10

Pilot’s Love Song 05


Yikes, I have a lot of blogs I need to catch up on so I’m just going to quickfire a lot of these entries. Hopefully if you guys are following me you will read them all because they won’t stay on the front page for very long.

This episode had a tonne of things happening all at the same time. At first I thought.. “Oh man another swimsuit episode” But it wasn’t that bad. Not nearly as focused on boobs as I thought it would be which is a positive side for me. They really pushed the plot more forward and revealed a bit more of Claire’s character. Not too sure where they are going to take this whole Claire, Kalel, backstory cover up to be honest but I hope they don’t mess it up.

No Ariel, you can’t like that white-haired jerk! Well, I guess since you are partners you can be nice to each other at the very least. I also found out last week that Ariel has the same voice actor as Kirino. What is up with Ayana Taketatsu taking all the “imouto” roles. Lol. I actually really like Ayana’s voice and normally can distinguish when her voice appears. But this time, I for some reason, didn’t think that Ariel was Ayana. Silly me.

Episode Rating +/-
Overall Rating 7/10

Sorry again for the late posts. If you guys are wondering where Noragami is, well truth be told I haven’t been watching it. Not because it’s bad but for some reason I’m just not feeling watching Noragami… I might pick it up again over this week since I have a break but chances of that happening are 50/50.

Golden Time 18


Wow, finally done with all my assignments and exams and such. I’m so relieved everything is over and that I can just talk about anime. Golden Time as you guys know is one of my favourites this season and finally we get to see more Banri and Linda. To be honest, not too much happened this episode which I was a bit disappointed but that being said it was a fairly hilarious episode. Not many people can say they’ve been in that super awkward situation like Koko has been.

I think the little things like seeing how Banri will react in the highschool was a big deal for Banri. I think it’s almost cute how Linda and Banri interact with each other. Here I thought, aw she’s holding Linda’s hand. I just died of second hand embarrassment when I saw the end result. Too fuunnny. I want more linda, more flashbacks, more past. Don’t just shove it in my face and then not show it to me. Ugh. I kinda wish I wasn’t following this anime and waited til it came out all the way through. I would have watched the whole series in less than a day for sure. Probably skipped class and life and eating for the end of the anime.

The end is drawing near. I wonder how they are going to develop this last quarter of the show. I hope they end up with more seasons but I doubt that will happen. I’m not sure how far the light novels go. In anycase, next episode should be a good one I’m hoping. I kind of want a little more drama.

Episode Rating -1
Overall Rating 9/10

Log Horizon 19


Wahahah yes fights and more fights. I like it. I thought this episode was well done. I really enjoyed the fight scenes. There was urgency, and there were moments in this episode where you didn’t know what was going to happen and there moments in this anime that may have made you sad. Personally, I think if it was like this for the whole anime it would be better than SAO. But since it wasn’t, for me this is not as good as SAO.

So now I will rant for all those people who didn’t like SAO. Stop calling people who liked SAO retards. It’s really offensive, I don’t care if you didn’t like it but it’s so rude to say that. I feel like I keep reading it everywhere, forums, blogs, and streaming sites as well. Just stop it, if you didn’t like SAO fine. If you like Log Horizon better than SAO good for you. Now don’t be a 10 year old and say SAO is for retards.

Hmm rudy. To be honest, I didn’t even like his character that much and I didn’t find it that emotional. I know it was supposed t be this whole emotional climax to the whole episode but I personally couldn’t care less about the guy. I know I am heartless and I know I don’t have a soul but I never even liked him in the first place. It also adds another element to the show though. Who else could be a POTL.

Episode Rating +/-
Overall Rating 7/10